Saturday, 27 July 2013 Users Can Now Register .CO Domain Names

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From: News
Date: 25 July 2013 03:17
Subject: [New comment] Users Can Now Register .CO Domain Names
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in response to ricketypix:
So according to this all I have to do is merge my domain to my existing account and I don't have to pay anymore than what is stated right?
Ricketypix registering a .co domain is $25 per year, per blog (and yes, you could then use it instead of your default address, For an additional $8.00, you can make the domain registration private. Details on the "Register a New Domain" support page.
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"Ham Nation 106 - TWiT.TV"

Date: Sat, Jul 20, 2013 at 9:20 PM
Subject: "Ham Nation 106 - TWiT.TV"

Malcolm Taylor
Malcolm Taylor shared a link: "Ham Nation 106 | TWiT.TV"
Ham Nation 106 | TWiT.TV
Tropospheric ducting, connecting studio monitor speakers to your receiver, and more!
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[Emma Scott Presents...] Coming soon!

Emma Scott 
Date: Sat, Jul 20, 2013 at 2:56 PM
Subject: [Emma Scott Presents...] Coming soon!
To: "Emma Scott Presents..."
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Coming soon!
Emma Scott 20 July 14:55
Coming soon!

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I LOVE HISTORY ...and research!!! - DNA confirms Aboriginal culture one of Earth's oldest

Australia: Aboriginal Culture 011Australia: Aboriginal Culture 011 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Date: Sun, Jul 21, 2013 at 3:40 PM
Subject: [I LOVE HISTORY ...and research!!!] DNA confirms Aboriginal culture one of Earth's oldest
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Connie Lavoie 21 July 15:40
DNA confirms Aboriginal culture one of Earth's oldest

The first Aboriginal genome sequence confirms Australia's native people left Africa 75,000 years ago...

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Sunday, 21 July 2013

I LOVE HISTORY ...and research!!!] vintage everyday: Unbelievable Inventions of The ’60s

I LOVE HISTORY ...and research!!!] vintage everyday: Unbelievable Inventions of The '60's


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OpenSource Documentation: Installing ClipGrab Video Downloader and Converter...

Open Source Documentation: Installing ClipGrab Video Downloader and Converter...

ClipGrab is a good option for your who tries to find suitable media or video converter on Linux, especially for Ubuntu 13.04 and Linux Mint. This application as well provides the downloading capacity to get the video from the on-line source such as YouTube, Vimeo, DailyMotion, MyVideo Channel.
More at

This is a great down-loader and works really simply with a keyword, or youtube url and is even better as it is free! Use it in Ubuntu 13.04 or even windows, l personally like OpenSource!


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Monday, 10 December 2012

The 10 Best Indie Games for the Holiday Season

The 10 Best Indie Games for the Holiday Season:

1. Torchlight 2

The fantasy-RPG sequel to the wildly popular 2009 game Torchlight, Runic Games' latest installment in the franchise, doesn't mess with its recipe too much. And in this case, that's a big positive.

Part steam-punk treasure hunt, part magic-heavy flight of fancy, Torchlight 2 capitalizes on the fast-paced, action-filled environment crafted by the designers of Diablo, Diablo 2 and Fate. Expect a lot of loot-grabbing from this game, as a bulk of the fun takes place in expansive and randomly generated cave systems practically filled to the brim with treasure and fancy equipment for your specific character class.

Torchlight 2 really gilds the lily with a long-awaited and happily embraced local LAN option — meaning you can raid dungeons with three of your closest friends. This makes the experience, for the first time, a cooperative one, and has been one of the best new features.

This game is really a continuation of that old-school play style seen in the previous Diablo installments, so if solo (or small group) hunting is your thing, download away.

Price: $19.99 on Steam

Platform: Windows
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You or someone you know is probably one of those fickle gamer types. While the regular masses would be awed by a freshly minted copy of Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, you're searching for something deeper and more refined than the average franchise from your big box store.
Whether you want to be the "cool indie guy" who passes out sweet games to your friends, or you're looking to snag some new and interesting games to get you through that lull between Christmas and New Years, here are 10 indie games worth picking up.
SEE ALSO: 50 Winning Holiday Gifts for Gamers
From survival horror to puzzle platformers, there's a little bit of everything to satisfy all types of gamers. So, what are…
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More About: Entertainment, Gaming, features, holidays 2012
