With no warning at all, Facebook disabled the F.B. Purity fan page and my personal Facebook account today at around 4pm GMT on 16th February.
The future of FB Purity is now up in the air. Well it seems Google Plus just gained a new user and evangelist...
The FB Purity Fan page has now moved to google Plus gplus.to/fbpurity
You can also keep up to date with the latest FB Purity news via the FB Purity twitter feed at twitter.com/fbpurity and the FB Purity News RSS Feed
The FB Purity browser extension can still be obtained from this website fbpurity.com
Ive tried contacting Facebook about this, and they say they will not re-enable my account and will not enter into a discussion about the situation. So I am currently trying to figure out what the best course of action is.
If anyone has any ideas... do let me know via: contact.fbpurity.com
Please support FB Purity and donate via donate.fbpurity.com
Cheers, Steve
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